
The Hunting Public is an online video series showcasing tips and strategies for hunters. We create daily video journals, how-to tip videos, and podcasts to help teach the viewer situational tactics they can apply to their hunts throughout the country.
Who We Are
We're normal guys that love to hunt and share our passion for the outdoors with others. We grew up hunting public land and small properties for anything from small game to turkeys and whitetails. Our best memories revolve around the social aspects of hunting and that’s something we want to share with our viewers. Whether that’s standing around a campfire after a successful hunt or reminiscing about past adventures with our buddies. For us it’s about having fun and creating great memories with our friends and family!
Our Mission
The Hunting Public’s core mission is to create a community of hunters that can interact and learn together as a group. Our video journals and podcasts create a platform that allows us to teach, learn, and interact with other hunters. They cover everything from advanced whitetail tactics to unique hunting situations. Through our hunts on public land and small privately owned properties we create content that is relatable and appeals to all hunters.
Merchandise Customer Service
For any customer service questions or return requests, please contact orders@thehuntingpublic.com